From the content available on the portal, many different cuts can be made to create thematic exhibitions.
Quite eclectic, the available content can be combined based on different interests, providing the possibility of montages with different approaches and that occupy different spaces.
Metro Pinheiros (SP)
Octavio Café (SP)
2021 Casa de Cultura os Capoeira – selection of images from 5 different parties (Águas de Oxalá, Cavalhada, Folia de Reis, Festa do Batata dos Krahôs, Procession of Penitentes) that take place in regions of the Brazilian Cerrado
2021 Sesc Ribeirão Preto - Projeto Brasil Vivo - 6 virtual meetings about popular Brazilian festivals Boi Bumbá, Maracatu de Baque Solto, Cavalhadas, Semana Farroupilha, Procession of Souls, Festa do Divino. Mediation of interviews with local guests and presentation of works.
2018 Brazilian Popular Parties. Interview with the president of Condephaat and Iphan, Antonio Augusto Arantes Neto, for the Natural Capital Program. Band News
2018 and 2017 ViaQuatro Art Space (Faria Lima (Dec 2017), Paulista (Jan 2018) and Fradique Coutinho (Feb 2018) subway stations - Brazilian Parties
2017 “Brazilian Popular Festivals”. Open class on ESPM Radio
2016 Octavio Café – Popular Brazilian Parties
Gallery 1338 (SP)
2022 Exhibition 130 years of Avenida Paulista - 2001 Gallery
2021 Exhibition 130 years of Avenida Paulista - Casa Odisseia Gallery
2021 Show Me The Oldest - Short film Caminhos do Divino
2021 Luz del Fuego - Cachoeiro do Itapemirim (ES) and Buenos Aires (Argentina)
2020 Socorro Municipal Museum, SP – Benzedeiras, an ancient tradition of faith healing
2019 Embassy of Brazil in Tokyo – Brazilian Musicality
2019 House +55 Art Brazil Germany, Mannheim (Germany)
2017 Tiradentes Photography Festival, MG
2016 Galeria 1338 (São Paulo) – Origins – collective curated by Juan Esteves
2016 Tiradentes Photography Festival, MG- Shows Rites and Rituals – Curated by Juan Esteves, João Marcos Rosa and Madu Dorella